United Foundation Of Powerball Winners Programs

Powerball winners giveback grant


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New chance for Childrens


Powerball Education Enrichment Grants

Program Overview: Allocate 2% of every Powerball winner's total winnings to fund education enrichment grants for schools in economically disadvantaged communities.

Impact: Provide schools with additional resources for educational programs, extracurricular activities, and essential supplies, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for students in need.

Help the Eco System


Community Health and Wellness Initiatives:

Program Overview: Dedicate 2% of Powerball winners' total winnings to support community health and wellness initiatives. This could include sponsoring health clinics, fitness programs, and preventive healthcare campaigns in underserved neighborhoods.

Impact: Improve access to healthcare services and promote healthy living in communities that may face barriers to wellness resources.

House Developments


Environmental Conservation and Restoration Projects:

Program Overview: Channel 2% of Powerball winners' total winnings towards environmental conservation and restoration projects. This could involve tree-planting initiatives, wildlife habitat restoration, and community-led sustainability programs.

Impact: Contribute to environmental preservation and create a sense of community involvement in sustainability efforts.